Super Trick to Find Order in 5 Sec

Super Trick to Find Order in 5 Sec
Generally, all of You Find Bond Order by making energy diagrams, but this method is too time-consuming and in competitive Exams, so this reason I make this super trick video.

Electrochemistry Important practice questions

Electrochemistry Important practice questions
Many Important MCQ questions For Practice

MCQ On preodicity

MCQ On preodicity
Here given some important M.C.Q on basis of preodic table - Ionisation energy , Electron Gain Enthalpy and Atomic Size etc...

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RAY Optics Some Basic Question...

Rahul Shaw

 basic MCQ on the basis of ray optics:-

Its a 15 MCQ question there is four option, and one of the options is correct, Its a very easy question on basic knowledge on Ray optics..... 

(1)A ray of light enters from denser to rarer medium then-

(a) energy increases
(b) frequency increases
(c) phase changes by 90°
(d) velocity increases

(2)To get three images of a single object, one should have two plane mirrors at an angle of-
(a) 30°     (b)90°     (c)120°     (d)150°

(3)Which of the following is not due to total internal reflection ?

(a) Working of optical fibre
(b) Difference between aparent and real depth of a pond
(c) Mirage on hot summer days
(d) Brilliance of diamond

(4)An object is situated at a distance of f/2 from a convex mirror of focal length f. Distance of image will be-

(a) +f
(b) +(f/3)

(5) Ten identical converging thin lenses, each of focal length 10 cm, are in contact. What is the power
of the combined lens-

(a) 10D
(b) 100D
(c) 1000D
(d) 1D

(6)A convex lens of focal length 10 cm is placed in contact with a convex lens of 15 cm focal length What is the focal length of the combination -

(a) 6cm     (b) 12cm      (c) 15cm    (d) 10cm

(7) A biconvex lens has a focal length f. It is cut into two parts along a line perpendicular to principal axis. The focal length of each part will be -

(a) f     (b) 2f      (c) f/2     (d) 3f
Ans- b

(8) A plano-convex lens is made of flint glass. Its focal length is

(a) inversely proportional to the wavelength of light
(b) longer for red than for blue
(c) longer for blue than for red
(d) same for all colours

(9) what will be the colour of sky as seen from the moon in day time?

(a) white        (b) blue
(c) red            (d) black

(10) Rainbow is caused due to-

(a) refraction
(b) dispersion
(c) reflection
(d) all of these

(11)  Phenomena associated with scattering are-

(a) the blue colour of the sky
(b) the appearance of the reddish sun during sunset and sunrise
(c) both (a ) and (b)
(12) for a normal eye, the least distance of distinct vision is-

(a) 25m      (b) 25cm 
(c) 10cm     (d) 25dm

(13) Image formed on the retina is

(a) real and erect 
(b) virtual and inverted
(c) real and inverted 
(d) virtual and erect

(14) The apparent flattening of the sun at sunset and sunrise is due to

(a) refraction
(b) diffraction 
(c) total internal reflection 
(d) scattering

(15) When a ray undergoes refraction-

(a) its frequency changes
(b) its amplitude changes
(c) its velocity changes
(d) both amplitude and frequency changes

If you want more This type of question, you can comment in the comment box. 
Thank You all of you.....

Identification Of Enantiomers and Diastereomers .....

Rahul Shaw

Identification Of Enantiomers and Diastereomers ......

Identify Enantiomers and Diastereomers and Identical Isomers is Very Confusing to Identify From Fischer projection .....

Today I Give You a super Trick any question You Solved in 30sec...

super Trick video is also given in below, You can watch these also. You never forget or confuse in your Whole life to identify Enantiomers and Diastereomers....

By Bookage Definition Of  Enantiomers and Diastereomers is

Enantiomers:-  Stereoisomers having Mirror image relationships, and not super impossible to each other, is called Enantiomer.

But when This type of Structure is Given Then You Confuse How to Find out Mirror Image Relationship..


Diastereomers:- Stereoisomers having no mirror image relationship and superimpossible to each other, is called Diastereomers.

confusing structure Just like this.

#Super_Trick  Read carefully...

Note:-  Before Staring Trick You keep in Mind Two-term 

1) Same Configuration:- means Both compound Chiral Center is Either R-configuratio or S-configuration.

2) Different Configuration:- One Compound chiral is R-configuration then another compound configuration is S. both are diffrent.

1 Chiral Center Trick:-

  • If  Configuration is Same, then it's a---- Identical Isomers 
  • If  Configuration is Different, then it's a---- Enantiomers 

Note:-  In one Chiral Center Diastereomers Not possible....

2 Chiral Center Trick:-

  • If  Configuration is Same, then it's a---- Identical Isomers 
  • If  Configuration is Different, then it's a---- Enantiomers 
  • If One Chiral center configuration is same another is different--->  Diastereomers
Important Note:-  Want this Super Trick video click --->  Watch Video

Physic Practice Set-1

Rahul Shaw

 This practice Set for Physics Contain 10 Questions..

Each question has four options. Only one of these options is the correct answer.

1) A parallel plate capacitor has a capacitance of 50µF in air and 110µF When immersed in oil, the dielectric constant of oil is --

         (a) 0.49    (b) 0.55    

         (c) 1.10    (d) 2.20

2)  Two spheres of radii R1 and R2 joined by a fine wire are raised to a potential V. Let the surface charge densities at these two spheres be respectively σ1 and σ2. Then--

Two spheres of radii R1 and R2 joined by a fine wire are raised to a potential V. Let the surface charge densities at these two spheres be respectively σ1 and σ2. Then--

3) If 100V of potential difference is applied between a and b in the circuit of the figure shown. find the potential difference between and d .--

If 100V of potential difference is applied between a and b in the circuit of the figure shown. find the potential difference between c  and d

          (a) 200/3V    (b) 100/3V  

          (c) 400/3V    (d) 80/3V  

4) Find the Charge stored in the capacitor?

Find the Charge stored in the capacitor?

              (a) 10 µC     (b) 20 µC     

              (c) 30 µC     (d) 40 µC 

5) A 1 µF capacitor and 2 µF capacitors are connected in series across a 1200V supply line. The charge and Voltage across 1µF capacitor.

              (a) 800 µC and 400V    

              (b) 800 µC and 800V     

              (c) 400 µC and 400V     

              (d) 400 µC and 800V

6) Two capacitors each having capacitance C and break down voltage V are joined in series. The Capacitance and breakdown voltage of the combination will be?

              (a) 2C and 2V    

              (b)  0.5C and 0.5V     

              (c) 2C and 0.5V     

              (d) 0.5 µC and 2V

7) Two metal spheres of radii a and b are connected by a thin wire.  Their separation is very large compared to their dimensions. The capacitance of the system is

Two metal spheres of radii a and b are connected by a thin wire.  Their separation is very large compared to their dimensions. The capacitance of the system is

8) A charge Q is divided into two parts of q and Q-q. If the Coulomb repulsion between them when they are separated is to be maximum, the ratio of Q/q should be?

         (a) 2         (b) 0.5    

         (c) 4         (d) 0.25

9) In the Circuit shown the current through 2ohm resistance is?


In the Circuit shown the current through 2ohm resistance is?

         (a) 5A         (b) 2A    

         (c) 0A         (d) 4A

10) In the following fig. the current drawn by the battery of 12V supply (in amp) will be-


In the following fig. the current drawn by the battery of 12V supply (in amp) will be-

Super Trick Find Bond Order in 5 Sec.

Rahul Shaw

 Super Trick Find Bond Order in 5 sec.

Hey Everyone, 

I make a Super Trick find Bond Order in just 5 sec.

Generally, all of You Find Bond Order by making energy diagrams, but this method is too time-consuming and in competitive Exams, so this reason I make this super trick video.

If you want a Video of This Trick Then You Click on BOND ORDER

Generally This Trick applicale on total electron number 8 To 20.

Super Trick 

This trick is very easy you remember two thing

1) When the total electron number of an atom is 8 then its Bond Order is Minimum, which Means its Bond Order Valu is Zero.

2) When the total electron number of an atom is 14 then its Bond Order is Maximum, which Means its Bond Order Valu is 3.0

when the electron number of an is 8 then its Bond Order is Increase by 0.5 up to Electron number 14,

After Electron Number 14 Bond Order decrease by 0.5 and Electro number 20 Bond Order is zero, which means Minimum.

NOTE:-  One Thing Remember 8 to 14 electron Number, electron go in Bonding Molecular Orbital and 14 to 20 electron Number, electron go in Anti Bonding Molecular Orbital.

Top practice question on Electrochemistry:-

Rahul Shaw

 Top practice question on Electrochemistry:-

1) The charge required for reduction of 1 mole of MnO4-  ions into Mn2+  ions is-

            (a) F        (b) 3F           (c) 6F        (d) 5F

ANS:- (d) 5F

2) The pH of  0.5L of 1.0 M  NaCl after the electrolysis for 965 s using 5.0A current is-

                     (a) 1.0                            (b) 12.7      
                     (c) 13.0                          (d) 1.30

ANS:-  (c) 13.0     

3) The standard reduction potentials for metals P,Q,R and S are respectively +0.34V,   -0.762V, -3.05V, and +0.80V .Which one is strongest reducing agent?
           a) P       (b) S        (c) R        (d) Q

ANS:-(c) R  

4) How much electric charge is required to oxidise 1 mole of H2O to O2?

                (a) 193000C             (b) 96500C       
                (c) 18500C               (d) 48250C


5) A current of 0.20A is passed for 482 Sec through 50ml of 0.1M NaCl. What will be     the hydroxide ion Concentration in the Solution after the electrolysis?
              (a) 0.0159M                    (b) 0.0199M
             (c) 0.10M                        (d) 0.030M

ANS:- (b) 0.0199

6) The number of faradays required to deposit one mole of atoms of metal M at the       cathode when a solution of its ions Mn+ is electrolysed is-

               (a) 1/n            (b) 1        (c) n      (d) None

ANS:-(c) n 

7) If Murcury is used as cathode in the electrolysis of aqueous NaCl solution , the ion   discharged at cathode is-
    (a) H+        (b) Na+        (c) OH-        (d) Cl-

ANS:-(b) Na+   

8) The amount of an ion discharged during electrolysis is not depends of-
   (a) resistance of solution
   (b) time
   (c) current strength
   (d) electrochemical equivalent of the element

ANS:-(a) resistance of solution

9) Which of the following solution will have the highest conductivity?

    (a) 0.1M CH3COOH                        
    (b) 0.1M NaCl.
    (c) 0.1M HCl                                   
   (d) 0.1M NH4OH

ANS:-(c) 0.1M HCl   

10) Calculate the potential of hydrogen electrode in contact with a solution whose pH   is 10----

          (a) -0.72V                               (b) -0.59V    
          (c) +0.59V                              (d) -0.51V

 Ans:-(b) -0.59V

E-Z Nomenclature

Rahul Shaw


E-Z Nomenclature:-

E-Z Nomenclature just like Cis and trans nomenclature

Q) What is trans?

- When two same kind of group present each an opposite side i.e, Called trans compound.

Q) What is Cis?

- When two same kind of group present in same side i.e, called Cis compound.

Q) When Use E?

-When two Bulky (heavy weight) group present each an opposite site means when compound is trans Then Use "E" before the Nomenclature.

Q) When use Z?

- When two Bulky group present same site of double bonded carbon atom, means Cis compound Then use "Z" before the Nomenclature..

  1. In nomenclature Cis or Trans Term is not allowed.
     2.Nomenclature of double bonded carbon always use E or Z before the Nomenclature

Some Example with practice and How to Identify E-Z Nomenclature all I explain in Upper video. For better understanding Go to upper link.

If you have any problem regarding E-Z nomenclature concept. please comment in Comment Box I will try to solve.........


  • Rahul Rajkumar