Physic Practice Set-1

 This practice Set for Physics Contain 10 Questions..

Each question has four options. Only one of these options is the correct answer.

1) A parallel plate capacitor has a capacitance of 50µF in air and 110µF When immersed in oil, the dielectric constant of oil is --

         (a) 0.49    (b) 0.55    

         (c) 1.10    (d) 2.20

2)  Two spheres of radii R1 and R2 joined by a fine wire are raised to a potential V. Let the surface charge densities at these two spheres be respectively σ1 and σ2. Then--

Two spheres of radii R1 and R2 joined by a fine wire are raised to a potential V. Let the surface charge densities at these two spheres be respectively σ1 and σ2. Then--

3) If 100V of potential difference is applied between a and b in the circuit of the figure shown. find the potential difference between and d .--

If 100V of potential difference is applied between a and b in the circuit of the figure shown. find the potential difference between c  and d

          (a) 200/3V    (b) 100/3V  

          (c) 400/3V    (d) 80/3V  

4) Find the Charge stored in the capacitor?

Find the Charge stored in the capacitor?

              (a) 10 µC     (b) 20 µC     

              (c) 30 µC     (d) 40 µC 

5) A 1 µF capacitor and 2 µF capacitors are connected in series across a 1200V supply line. The charge and Voltage across 1µF capacitor.

              (a) 800 µC and 400V    

              (b) 800 µC and 800V     

              (c) 400 µC and 400V     

              (d) 400 µC and 800V

6) Two capacitors each having capacitance C and break down voltage V are joined in series. The Capacitance and breakdown voltage of the combination will be?

              (a) 2C and 2V    

              (b)  0.5C and 0.5V     

              (c) 2C and 0.5V     

              (d) 0.5 µC and 2V

7) Two metal spheres of radii a and b are connected by a thin wire.  Their separation is very large compared to their dimensions. The capacitance of the system is

Two metal spheres of radii a and b are connected by a thin wire.  Their separation is very large compared to their dimensions. The capacitance of the system is

8) A charge Q is divided into two parts of q and Q-q. If the Coulomb repulsion between them when they are separated is to be maximum, the ratio of Q/q should be?

         (a) 2         (b) 0.5    

         (c) 4         (d) 0.25

9) In the Circuit shown the current through 2ohm resistance is?


In the Circuit shown the current through 2ohm resistance is?

         (a) 5A         (b) 2A    

         (c) 0A         (d) 4A

10) In the following fig. the current drawn by the battery of 12V supply (in amp) will be-


In the following fig. the current drawn by the battery of 12V supply (in amp) will be-

Rahul Shaw

Author & Editor

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