MCQ on Periodicity

 MCQ on Periodicity:-

1) Among the following , the third highest Ionization Energy for-

(a) Mg                           (b) Be

(c) Br                            (d) Al

Ans:- (b) Beryllium

2) Which of the following element has maximum, first ionization potential-

(a) V                                    (b) Ti

(c) Cr                                   (d) Mn

Ans:- (d) Mn

3) Among the following represent correct order of Electron affinity-

(a) Be < B < C < N                (b) Be < N< B < C     

(c) N< C < B < Be                 (d) N<  Be < C < B

Ans (b) Be < N< B < C 

4) If electronegativity of  'x' be 3.2 and the 'y' be 2.2 , the percentage of ionic character of xy bond is---

(a) 19.5        (b) 18.5        (c) 9.5        (d) 29.5

Ans:- (a) 19.5

5) Which oxide of   N is isoelectronic with Co2?

(a)  NO2        (b) NO        (c) N2O      (d) N2O5

Ans (c) N2O

6) The element which exist in liquid state at room temperature is/are-

(a) Na        (b) Br2        (c) Hg        (d) Ga

Ans (b, c)

7) When moving down the group in preodic table from Cl to I , which of the following properties decreases ?

(a) Ionic radius                        

(b) Ionization energy

(c) Oxidizing power                

(d) Electronegativity

Ans (b, c, d)

8) Which is most soluble in water?

(a) Be(OH)2                            (b) Mg(OH)2

(c) Ca(OH)2                            (d) Sr(OH)2

Ans-(d) Sr(OH)2

9) Correct order of Electron affinity is/are--

(a) S> O                                (b) Al> B

(c) Mg> Na                          (d) P> N

Ans- (a , b, d)

10) Among the following , the 1st highest electron affinity  for

(a) F        (b) N        (c) P        (d) O

Ans (a) F

11) Highest covalent character is found in which of the following?

(a) CaF2                            (b) CaCl2

(c) Cal2                             (d) CaBr2

Ans:- (c) Cal2

12) Be is diagonally related to Al because of Similar-

(a) Charge                             

(b)  Electron gain enthalpy

(c) Electronegativity               

(d) Atomic size

Ans-(c) Electronegativity

13) Which of the following is  the Strongest acidic oxide is-

(a) CO2                                (b) N2O5

(c) P2O5                              (d) SiO2

Ans:-(b) N2O5

14) Which atomic number represent a metal is-

(a) 32            (b) 34        (c) 36        (d) 38

Ans:-(d) 38

15) Which  elements represent analogous to the lanthanide's -

(a) Actinides                    (b) Borides

(c) Carbides                     (d) Hydrides

Ans:-(a) Actinides.

Rahul Shaw

Author & Editor

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